Single Connection redis performance

Recently I did an interesting investigation about redis performance. Given the same load, multiple connections to redis could perform 8x faster than single connection(see below). I am not considering pipelining here, and I already tried many optimization approach in my...

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Automate Syntastic By Strace


Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim that detects syntax errors using external tools and return them back in Vim. I use it in in C++ development and it works pretty well. But to get started...

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Adventure with Tcpcopy


Tcpcopy is a request replication tool which could be very useful in A/B testing and performance testing. It is able to replicate live traffic in production with little overhead and direct the traffic to testing modules. In...

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Record Replay Live Stream


Recording live steam data is useful from several aspects:

  1. Debug exceptions when using external api. Most of the time we redo the same call several times to debug. Instead, u could record once and analysis the...

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Program Profiling Using Systemtap

SystemTap (stap) is both scripting language and tool for profiling program on Linux kernel-based operation system. The most important feature is its ability to probe user-land function, different from tools like strace and perf which can only or...

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My Dev Environmnet Setup

A good dev environment is very important for developers. Here I will share the tools I use every day and the corresponding custom settings, including vim, several vim plugins, git and screen.

One image is worth a thousand words. Here...

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New Blog! Hello World!

I will open my own blog, Finally! I have this idea for a long time, but I am always telling myself the lie that I will start tomorrow. Today I did the same thing, and I say NO WAY! Nothing...

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